Saturday, December 26, 2009

Boxing Day Advent beer catch up

Christmas is over, but the Advent beer still lingers. I'm drinking the 12 oz bottle of Goose Island brewing's Bourbon County imperial stout, 13% abv aged in bourbon barrels.

Slightly sweet aroma with some roast and solid notes of bourbon and alcohol.

No head at all, and very light carbonation -- it would be better with more of both.

Strong alcohol flavor and warmth, malty sweet and quite sticky. Not much in the way of hops.

Mouthfeel is thick and rich, with a sticky finish and a bit of lingering alcohol warmth.

A decent beer, and as much as I like over-the-top beers, I'd prefer it if this one was a bit more refined and balanced. Even just a bit more carbonation would help lighten it up and improve it quite a bit.

Drinkable, but not a favorite.

Happy Boxing Day to all the Canadians out there...

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