Monday, February 18, 2013

Oak Aged Baltic Porter


We had a few extra gallons of our Baltic Porter (7.5% abv) so we cask-conditioned it and added some French oak chips that had been soaked in Makers Mark bourbon.

The oak added a really nice bit of aroma and flavor, and a hint of extra tannins in the finish as well.  Super smooth and drinkable beer.

Carbonation is moderate to light, flavor is initially quite malty, but that is quickly followed by some oak and vanilla.  Mouthfeel is smooth and creamy, but there is a good bit of astringency in the finish that helps clean up the palate.

Damn good beer, if I do say so myself.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Brother Thelonius

Not sure if I reviewed this one before or not, so I'll just say it is one of my favorites from North Coast brewing.

Wednesday, February 06, 2013

Critical Hit

Ninkasi Brewing, Eugene, Oregon
22oz bottle, 11.7%abv

Pours dark amber and clear, with a moderate head.

Aroma is lots of sweet malt and a good amount of citrusy and floral hops.

Flavor is intensely malty and hoppy, but simple. Some caramel sweetness, but mostly just tastes like a big amber.

Mouthfeel is initially creamy, smooth and rich, but then turns strongly bitter.  Bitter enough that it cleans up the strength and sweetness and makes you want another drink.

Overall a surprisingly drinkable beer.  The balance ends up about perfect for this big of a beer. It's not a super complex flavor, but its damn good.