Tuesday, October 07, 2008

The debate "town hall" style

Reminder: This isn't actually going to be a "town hall" -- the questions are either pre-screened by Tom Brokaw, or are just his own questions. This is the same Brokaw who's hacky enough to be the "liason" between the McCain campaign and NBC -- 'cause the campaign of course need help with that darn librul media.

There also is supposedly an agreement that there won't be any followup questions. So, much like last week, the candidates can just choose to ignore the question, ramble on about whatever the hell they want, and the "moderator" isn't supposed to follow up with them.

I am cautiously hopeful that this will exceed my expectations, but if the last two were any indication, those hopes will be dashed.

Update: Brokaw just said that there will be 2 minutes for answers, with 1 minute followup. Not sure, but maybe there's hope.

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