Friday, December 12, 2008

Yes, thank you, I will have another

Yay, more beer!

Yesterday's beer was: Alesmith, Yulesmith Holiday Ale, 8.5%abv, 22oz bottle. I like Alesmith's beers, and this was no exception, quite yummy.

Today's beer: Caldera Brewing Company, Pale Ale, 5.4%abv, 12oz can(!). Haven't had this one yet, and other than being one of the few "real" beers available in cans, and the little I've read about it at the linked site, I don't know much about it.

Oh, and I couldn't wait, I'm drinking the Double Bastard mentioned previously -- I'm pleasantly surprised with its quality. Very nice beer. I remember the previous one I'd had as being overly harsh, but this one is more subtle, if you can use "subtle" to describe a 10.5%abv beer.

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