Thursday, March 10, 2005


People that know me know it's not like me at all to go off on rants about things...

Yeah, right.

But seriously, this shit (via Steve Gilliard) really pisses me off.

Was nobody but me paying attention back in the mid '80s when Tipper Gore pulled this stunt? Remember the PMRC? Remember how well that worked, and how 20 years later now all of the poor innocent children remain pure and unspoiled until they turn 18? OK, even though that last part didn't work out that way, people should still remember the PMRC. God they sucked. Oh, yeah, but that sticker they scared the industry into putting on records made it so you can't buy certain albums at WalCheapChineseCrap-Mart, so that's good. Or something.

Every decadeweek or so some moron comes along and decries our craven media and the destruction of the children. Cries of "save the poor innocent children!" abound. Meanwhile, the same people take money from porn purveyors. (If you don't feel like clicking, that link takes you to a report showing where everybody's favorite enabler, Joe Lieberman (and others), the same Joe Lieberman who's shown working with Hillary and Santorum in the first link above, took $16,000 from various companies that profit from selling porn.) And no, I don't give a shit about the porn, it's the hypocrisy that gets me.

You know what, I think Hillary's actually worse than the PMRC was. I think Tipper and her misguided buddies actually might've thought they were doing some good. Hillary's just pulling the stunt because she's trying to position herself for a presidential run (or so "they" say). Bipartisanship is swell and all, but when Joe and Hillary consistently provide "bipartisan" cover for the nutty crap that their ultra-social-conservative counterparts come up with, they should be smacked.

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