Double IPA with rye malt
A tribute to Lenny Bruce
Shmaltz Brewing, Saratoga Springs, NY
10%abv, 12oz bottle
This was yesterday's Advent beer, but I think it's also Hannukah right now too, so it's appropriate. I don't really know how any of this religious stuff (other than the
holy FSM) works...
Anyway, this is a damn tasty beer.
It pours a fairly dark amber, with a thick lingering head.
Aroma is malt, caramel, hops and a hint of rye. I like that the rye is present but not dominant -- beers like this are best when the "special" ingredient isn't overpowering. The underlying beer still shines here.
Flavor is similar -- solid malt, hops and present but not too much rye. There's a bit of a subtle mellow spice, vanilla perhaps, apparent before the dry finish.
Finishes crisp and solidly bitter, with little indication of the alcoholic strength, although it is definitely strong...
A very enjoyable beer from the great folks at Shmaltz.
Oh, and just to add my $0.02 to the tribute to Lenny:
There would be way more censorship and less freedom in this prudish land of ours if not for folks like him that were willing to risk -- and lose -- everything by challenging the fucking stupid crap that seems almost quaint today. Thanks Mr. Bruce.