Friday, September 19, 2008


This is.

The music industry doesn't suck quite enough, so to up the suckage quotient just that little bit extra, they start accepting bribes"incentives" to feature brands in song lyrics.

[Note to self, write hit song about a fictional character named Cokie Ferrari]

There's no such thing as "the free market"


The "Invisible hand of the free market" is great to talk about when you're complaining about possibly perhaps maybe some sort of minor adjustment to our abysmal health care system, or social security, or outsourcing, or whatever an actual working person might care about. But the government wants to throw a trillion (yes, that's a "t") at a bunch of rich people? That's just grand and great and swell.


Of course we get various "free market" folks going on TV to complain, that they, the real libertarian free marketers don't like this one bit, and that if only we had a real free market person in government, we'd show them, and let these Wall Street types sink. But of course they wouldn't -- it's all a shell game. Pretend that they care about the sacred "free market" so they can kill off or prevent any and all regulation, act surprised when, again the whole thing falls out from under them, and then complain because, well of course, we shouldn't bail them out, but well, we reluctantly will, just this time, you know, for the good of the country and all, you understand, not for themselves... But next time, gosh darn it, we're going to let that market really work!

Have I mentioned that these people are fucking fuckers?

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Beyond the Palin

You've got questions about Sarah Palin? Of course you do! And they're important questions. Mavericky questions. About a maverick.

  • Is she the bestest most maverickiest ever, or only just mavericky enough?
  • Is she standing up to the fat-cat lobbyists and big-money men in a noble, principled, small-government-conservative kind of way, or is she standing up to the fat-cat lobbyists and big-money men in a noble, principled, small-government-conservative mavericky kind of way?

These are the questions of our time. Sadly.

Thankfully, Fafblog is on the case, and will answer these most important questions about this double-extra-mavericky-maverick of a candidate.

Thursday, September 04, 2008

Look ma, a blog!

I realize that my posting schedule of once-a-year is a bit ambitious, but us A-list blogger types have to give our reading public what they clamor for. In my case, fewer posts.

Or something.

I'll be back soon with wise words about stuff and things, and such. Really.